
Showing posts with the label Remove Blank Rows

Cleaning and Conversion of Raw or Improper Data into Proper Data

   INTRODUCTION   The purpose of using excel is to analyze data and make informed decision. The analysis is based on the underlying data and its proper formatting and it becomes even more important as the input data gets larger. If you are doing the analysis, it is likely that some one else is doing the data entry for you or you are importing data from other sources such as *.csv or *.txt format over which you have no control. In both the cases, there are chances that the raw data that you will get is not perfectly suitable of analysis right away. In most cases, there are some inadvertent error which are made during data entry which require some sanitation or cleaning before the analysis.  You may face common errors as under: Inclusion of non-printable characters such as line break. This causes the text data to appear in zig zag manner and it is frustrating to remove such characters manually.  Multiple spaces or extra spaces in a sentence which can make you...